Innovative business development and creative marketing solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who qualifies for funding?

Whether you're a budding app developer working on the next big mobile app, or a bootstrapped entrepreneur looking to expand, we're interested in working together with you.

We are looking to invest in apps or businesses in:

  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Philippines
  • ...and other parts of Southeast Asia
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan

What are you looking for?

We will go through every pitch and consider every wild idea you may have, so be creative! Here are the products which investors feel more comfortable investing in now:

  • iOS / Android apps and games
  • Social games
  • Online services
  • eCommerce

What can I do to increase my chances of getting funded?

There are many ways you can better response and get your dream project funded. Here are some:

  • Have an amazing pitch. Tell us who you are, tell us what your product is. What does your product do?What needs does it fulfil?
  • Have a business plan. While not mandatory (we have people who can help you with that) - having a bit of an idea of how you plan to monetise the product will make your project more viable.
  • Have a demo. Everything looks great in text. If you have a working prototype, a demo, or even a mockup — we want to see it! It'll lend a huge amount of credibility in your project.
  • Have a great portfolio. A presentation of your past projects can show investors how good you really are, and how capable you are of delivering this project.
  • Why you? Stand out! You're going up against many other young and equally enthusiastic competitors. What can you contribute that no one else can?

Alright, I've pitched. What's next?

  1. Sit tight. We get a lot of pitches and ideas. It'll take time to sort through them all. Give us a week or two to get back to you.
  2. Skype call. Once your project is shortlisted, we'll arrange a Skype call with you to discuss the finer details of your project, and set up upcoming arrangements.
  3. Offline Meeting. We'll want to meet you! Be prepared to do a short (15min) presentation or demo!
  4. Contracts & Briefing. At this point, you're practically in! We just have to get the paperwork done, and let's get on to the fun stuff! 

Wait. I don't have money to travel to meet!

Don't worry about that. If your proposal ends up catching our interest, we'll fly you over to us or fly over to meet you ourselves!

What we aren't interested in.

We try to keep an open mind and welcome the wild and the crazy, but some things are simply aren't within the scope of our interests:

  • Multi Level Marketing
  • Snake oil. 

Who are you, and what do you do?

LFC Marketing Sdn Bhd started off as a marketing and business solutions provider to clients in Southeast Asia. Over the course of business, we have started noticing a trend - we started meeting and knowing people who have money to invest, but are looking for the right platform. 

That's where you come in.